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Where can you throw the Blossombs?

Add color to your neighborhood with Blossombs! Throw them in your garden, around your house or in a pot on your balcony. Or create a flower paradise on vacant land in urban areas.

Caution! Blossombs may not be thrown into protected natural areas.

When is the best time to plant Blossombs?

Blossombs can be thrown out year-round. They will hatch in spring (provided they are not eaten by birds or insects). Flowering time: April to October.

How long does it take until the flowers bloom?

After a few days, the Blossombs "burst open" and you will see the first, small plants appear. Then it takes another +/- 8 weeks before the first flowers appear. Flowers only grow from spring onwards when the weather gets warmer, but beware (!) they are wild flowers and only grow outside with enough space, light and above all: nutrition. You can grow them indoors and they will germinate, but for them to grow any further there is simply not enough nutrition in a pot.

The Blossombs are meant for outdoors and then they work just like anything ordinary seeds and flowers in nature. Where a Blossomb has multiple seeds that germinate at different times. Some seeds germinate in the spring, others in the summer or even after. So the bees (and you) can enjoy flowers throughout the season.

In short: patience requested until nature does its work and you, the bee and the butterflies can enjoy the most beautiful, wild flowers!

What seed mix is contained in the Blossombs?

Blossombs contains an organic wildflower seed mix. This consists of: Inkarnate clover, Greater chrysanthemum, Greater poppy, Lesser pimpernel, Cornflower, Coriander, Persian clover, Phacelia, Huttentut, White clover, Black cumin, Lemon yellow honey clover, Yellow gooseflower, Caraway, Large sand cabbage, Wild chicory, Common daisy, Yarrow , Red clover, chamomile, Narrow plantain and Sareptamustard.

Some seeds come up right at the beginning of the season (Mar/Apr), others not until the end (Sep/Oct), therefore you actually have flowers all season with 1 Blossomb!

Tips to outsmart birds

Place a little bird food nearby, about 5 feet away from your Blossombs. The birds will then be more likely to flock to the food and leave the Blossombs. Make sure there are no "smart" birds (crows, magpies and jackdaws) around at the time you want to plant the Blossombs. This is because if you walk around and place things on the ground in the line of sight of such a smart bird, you can be sure that they will look at it (and take it) shortly after you are gone! Plant the Blossombs when the soil is moist and soft, then gently push them into the earth with your shoe. Note: definitely do not bury them completely (!), but cover them with a little reed, tree bark or a few leaves if necessary.

How many Blossombs can you place in a pot?

Per round pot with a diameter of 20cm you can put 1 to 3 Blossombs. When using 3 Blossombs you will have a fuller growth in the pot. Caution! Flowers may compete with each other and will probably not all grow equally well. Do you have an elongated balcony pot? Then you can put about 3 to 6 Blossombs in 1 meter.

Are you throwing the Blossombs in the full ground? Then for optimal growth you can place about 4 Blossombs on 1m2, more is also possible for a fuller effect. If necessary, you can support the flowers later in the season with a plant support.

How tall do the flowers from the seed mix grow?

The flowers can reach a height of up to 120 cm.